Celebrities question ban on PUBG in Pakistan

Pakistani celebrities have raised their concerns about the ban on popular game Players’ Unknown Battlegrounds (PUBG).

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) on Monday said that the game will remain blocked in the country till investigations into a suicide case linked with the game are completed.

Pakistani celebrities took to social media to question the ban on PUBG.

Actress Hania Amir turned to Twitter and said gaming is not a crime and bans achieve little other than angst and resentment.

“Instead of shutting down #PUBG, address and counter the issues that are a cause for concern and let them play for it is only but a game,” she added. 

Singer Asim Azhar said that its not just about a game but about the digital future of Pakistan.

Ishqiya star Feroze Khan tweeted that he has no clue who is advising the government. 

Singer Shamoon Ismail called banning a medieval practice.

“When someone in power bans a way of life, an ideology or simply a platform that they don’t agree with or benefit from, they set a precedent for generations to come to do the same. Thus discouraging talks & differences. And encouraging intolerance,” he tweeted.

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