Can you find the four animals hidden inside this optical illusion?

There are four animals hidden in this optical illusion but only 1% percent of people can identify all four within 11 seconds. 

Need a hint? the four animals include an Antelope, a Bat, a Flamingo, and a fox.

This optical illusion including four animals is going viral over the internet nowadays.

These illusions are fun to solve and a good source of entertainment. People often use them on their peers to test their intelligence.

In this particular illusion, you can see a beautiful sunny day on a beach, with ships arriving on the shore in the distance. However, pictures of four animals are imprinted in the picture.

There is a hidden antelope, bat, flamingo and fox in this painting who are also enjoying the seaside.

It takes someone with excellent observation skills to spot all four animals within 11 seconds. Are you one of them?

How many did you spot till now? If you are not having any success till now then try looking at the rock structure closely. Can you spot some animals now?

Need one more hint? 

Not all the animals are in one place and are scattered in the picture.

Time’s up.

How many of the four animals could you find?

The Antelope: The antelope can be found right in the middle of the rock and its legs can be seen extending to the hut.

The Bat: The Bat can be found on the right side of the antelope and spans its wing, soaking in the sunshine.

The Flamingo: The Flamingo can be found on the left side of the image near the shrubs.

Also ReadThis optical illusion will determine your personality!

The Fox: The Fox can be found on the rocks on the right side of the image and is running in the opposite direction of the antelope. It is also on the left side of the antelope.

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