British Army tests new smart ‘never miss’ rifle scope

Israeli firm Sharp Shooter developed the scopes to find targets and place a red square around them, exponentially increasing accuracy.

It’s been hailed a ‘game changer’ for infantry warfare and the SAS are particularly keen after the US’ secretive Delta Force called it ‘outstanding’.

The shooter holds down the rifle’s trigger and the system calculated factors including distance, angles, motion and wind speed to send a bullet in exactly the right direction within a millisecond.

It has already been used by Israeli troops to down drones for a year, and is being tested by the Australian, British and American armies.

The rifle, called SMASH Fire Control System, was developed in collaboration between Israeli-based Sig Sauer and Smart Shooter.

It is one submission in the military organisation’s Next Generation Squad Weapon Fire Control competition.

SMASH’s system incorporates night vision, magnification, and target detection and tracking.

If the US Army decides to go ahead with the tech, it has previously been reported it could be deployed in the field by 2023.


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