Bollywood actor Dia Mirza revealed her son Avyaan underwent two life-threatening surgeries after his premature birth.
The actor made the revelation on her son’s first birthday.
The Sanju actor recalled her son being diagnosed with Necrotising Enterocolitis.
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“Our Jaan, our miracle, you were born on this day 1 year ago with the song ‘Imagine’ playing,” she wrote. “You were 3 months premature at 820 gms. 36 hours after birth we discovered you had necrotising enterocolitis and had to go through life-saving surgery.”
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She added: “You were cared for and nourished in the NICU with a stoma for 90days and finally sent home to us with a stoma. After you had gained strength and weight you went back to hospital for a 2nd surgery that lasted four and half hours.”
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The Bollywood star said she and her husband Vaibhav Rekhi prepared for the worst but he pulled it through and was allowed to be discharged nine days following his second surgery.
“Your grace, your strength, your determination to fight the odds is so inspiring. Our son, you are now catching up on all your milestones, are happy, playful and loving. You fill our heart with joy and gratitude every single day. We are amazed and amused that your first spoken word is – Tiger,” she said.