If a message pops up on your phone saying something similar to this, don’t follow the link provided:
“Hey. Finally Secret Whatsapp golden version has been leaked. This version is used only by big celebrities. Now we can use it too”.
The fake app (supposedly only previously available to celebrities) boasts of providing extra features such as video chats and the tantalising option to delete messages from people’s phones after you’ve sent them. Instead, unsuspecting users will only be infecting their mobiles with malware.
Read: WhatsApp messenger launched in Urdu
This is the but the latest version of the scam that previously offered malware disguised as apps such as ‘Whatsapp Plus’.
Not only that, the authentic Whatsapp will ban you from using the service if it detects unauthorised software of this nature.
How to avoid WhatsApp virus
The latest WhatsApp scam isn’t delivered by WhatsApp itself but through your email app on your Android phone or iPhone. It tells you that you have missed a WhatsApp call or have a WhatsApp voice message, which you should click on the link in the email to access. Rather than your message, you get a virus downloaded to your device.
Don’t be fooled. WhatsApp will never contact you outside the WhatsApp app itself, so if you see this then do not click the link and delete the message.
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