Baby born with 31 fingers and toes; parents seek help

According to doctors, the surgery to remove the fingers and toes will cost a lot. Hong Hong’s parents are trying to raise enough money so their son can undergo the life-changing operation.

The surgery could cost as much as 200,000 Chinese yuan (about Dh110194), the boy’s father said.



The child’s mother too suffers from polydactyly but it is not as severe as his – she only has 12 fingers and 12 toes.

After Hong Hong’s birth his parents were shocked to discover he had inherited the condition.

Doctors say the condition can be treated once the boy is old enough to undergo anaesthesia – but the surgery will have to take place while he is still a baby, before his bones set.

The couple has turned to the Internet for help, and so far they’ve raised more than 40,000 yuan (more than Dh22038) through online donations.


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