VIDEO: Attempted robbery goes wrong as man body-slams mugger

CALIFORNIA: An attempted robbery went horribly wrong after a would-be victim brutally body-slammed the mugger to the ground like a “Hulk” in California.    

In the video footage, two muggers can be seen approaching a man who was about to enter his SUV while having a gun pointed at the man.


When the armed robber got close enough to the victim, the man swiftly stepped back and grabbed the robber, body-slamming him to the ground.

The man pinned the robber to the ground so hard that the gun splintered away from the robber’s grip and landed off the pavement a few feet away in the street.

“OK, OK!” the robber says while letting out a helpless cry.

The mugger’s alleged accomplice can also be heard begging for the mercy of his partner in crime after the tables were turned.

“Hey, let him go!” the second suspect says. “Let him go!”

“All right, all right, all right,” the injured attacker pleads while on the ground.

From there, the man sent the robbers off.

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