‘Amjad Sabri was receiving calls to attend a political party function’

He was speaking in the ARY News programme Sawal Ye Hai hosted by Mansoor Ali Khan.

Must read: Amjad Sabri’s mother tells about ‘unknown assailants’ who had attacked their house

Akhtar said Sabri whispered him during a recent event at residence of Arshad Vohra: “I am receiving a call from Sahar [Khayaban-e-Sahar] to attend a iftar party. I am told to please mark your attendance before somebody comes to pick you up,” claimed the MQM leader.


Who called Amjad Sabri and what did he say? by arynews

Akhtar, who is MQM’s mayoral nominee for the city, went on to say that Sabri was a ardent supporter of his party and recently he had also refused to attend a function of ‘a political party’, he said in an indirect reference to Pak Sarzameen Party led by ex-Karachi mayor and MQM dissident Mustafa Kamal.

Taking a jibe at Kamal without naming him, he said the guy would have realised that he was done with the assignment he was supposed to undertake. “That man will come know his value was no more than a tissue paper that has been (virtually) disposed of now.”

The MQM leader also questioned ethnic identification of Sabri’s suspected killer as released by the investigators with the help of mere sketch.

“Such kind of approach reflects biased approach towards a specific community” he said.

Akhtar said his party would unveil its party strategy over all the ongoing issues after the Eid.

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