Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been issuing harsh allegations and nonsensical claims against Pakistan during the recent times. Undertaking trips to China and Bangladesh, Modi has spat venom against Pakistan and accused it of promoting terrorism. Here are ten reasons why we’ve had enough of Modi’s statements already!
1. Modi, you don’t scare us!
India might be five times Pakistan’s size or be more economically advanced, yet the fact remains that we are not scared of it. Neither does Modi or his brash statements against Pakistan send jitters down our spine. We know for sure, sir, that your bark is louder than your bite!
2. Pakistan’s armed forces enjoy the confidence of the whole nation
Pakistan’s armed forces, be it the military, air force or navy, have the full confidence of the nation. Pakistanis stand behind their armed forces against any internal and external threat.
3. 2002 Gujarat riots exposed Modi for the vicious, barbarian that he is
As Chief Minister of Gujarat, Modi failed to contain extremist Hindus who killed an estimated 1,000 Muslims and further caused injury to the lives and property of thousands of Muslims. It is widely suspected to this day that Narednra Modi’s government was complicit in the mass killings of the Muslims, as they aptly failed to provide protection to the Muslim minority.
4. India has herself admitted to promoting terrorism in Pakistan!
Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar openly stated a couple of weeks ago that India would ‘neutralize terrorists through terrorists’. If this isn’t an open confession towards promoting terrorism in Pakistan, I don’t know what is! Prime Minister Narndra Modi should take note of irresponsible and embarrassing statements that expose his own government’s malicious designs first, before dishing out warnings to Pakistan!
5. The pigeon fiasco…….. really?
India’s intel agencies and security forces are oh so ever vigilant that they foiled ISI’s perfect, diabolical plan to send a ‘spy pigeon’ fluttering their way! If that is the level of competency that the Indians can muster in the field of combat, I rest my case!
6. Narendra Modi- thy name is hypocrisy!
Whenever Pakistan objects to Indian aggression and atrocities in the Indian administered Kashmir, it has always led to the Modi administration raising a hue and cry about Pakistan interfering in India’s internal matters. However, during his recent trip to China, Modi told the Chinese authorities plainly that the China-Pakistan-Economic-Corridor was unacceptable to India. Talk about hypocrisy!
7. Pakistan’s strategic importance and religious significance
Pakistan is not an ordinary state as such. A nation of 20 million people, Pakistanis are also neighbours to strategically important states such as Iran and China, with whom we have brotherly ties. Pakistan is an important and integral Muslim state that has the support of the Muslim countries of the world, were India to take any aggressive steps. Pakistan might not be as isolated as you think, Mr.Modi!
8. Mr.Modi, Pakistan is a nuclear armed state. Proceed with caution!
Dear sir, this is not 1971. Pakistan is a nuclear armed state that will do whatever it takes to ensure its survival and sovereignty. Hence, if I were you Mr.Modi, I’d proceed with caution and care!
9. Better to concentrate on your own troubles
India might present an advanced and impressive image of itself in front of the world, whereas we know the dismal conditions facing the country itself. Reportedly, in India an estimated 179.6 million people live below the poverty line. Conflict should be the last thing on your mind at the moment, Modi!
10. Pakistan will never surrender to Indian tyranny
India must accept the fact that Pakistan will not respond to any cowardly threats by India. We are a separate and sovereign country, with our own state institutions and recognition in the world. The sooner India realizes its threats to Pakistan are futile, the better. Pakistan is here to stay and it is high time Modi’s moronic government realizes that!